143: Cara Dafforn on Dehydrating the Urban Farm

Published: Oct. 13, 2016, 2:30 p.m.


Cara is passionate about the tradition of supper and takes Civil War history very seriously; So it made sense for her to couple her food passion with membership in MidStates Living History Association. 

In the tradition of Dutch oven cooking during the civil war, \\u201ca supper was served at four o\\u2019clock in the afternoon, a good plain and substantial meal, with nothing fanciful\\u201d according to Goedy\\u2019s Magazine, dated 1863. 

As a living historian, and owner of U-Relish Farm, Cara enjoys guiding others on low cost ways to store your urban farm harvest and offers secrets from the \\u201cApothecara\\u201d.

N THIS PODCAST: We venture back in time with Cara to learn how the women homesteaders of the mid 1800\\u2019s cooked, gardened, nurtured, and survived during the trials of the Civil War.  She explains to Greg that as a history buff she was intrigued enough to try to replicate many of the processes in use during the time period of when the Civil War directly affected her community. She does not hold back as she taught herself how to do many of the period\\u2019s permaculture type processes and she shares some of those tips in this podcast.

Visit https://www.urbanfarm.org/2016/10/13/cara-dafforn/ for show notes and links.
