The Troubleshooter 7-11-19

Published: July 11, 2019, 7:04 p.m.

Its Dental Day with Dr Kelly!
Shelly Hope is a realtor and her client is buying a house that has a loan on the solar system and they do not qualify for taking over the loan, Sabrina got custody of her husbands 7 year old son (7 months ago) and she is being charged with child abuse because of bruises on him, Terri developed education courses and the company publishing them keeps on selling them even though the contract was terminated, Joe got a tax bill from 2016 because was not claiming his wife's SSI money, Dennis's mom is 80 and married for 25 years but was told she was not eligible for her husbands social security (who is now dead), Stewart bought a used 2014 Jeep Cherokee and has a suspension issue, this and much more.

Tomorrow (Friday) is Car Day!