The Troubleshooter 4-9-19

Published: April 9, 2019, 7:05 p.m.

Its Personal Injury Day!
Marcilina has a older car and has been in two accidents (not her fault) and they want to total the car, Kathy is asking if a contractor can be held accountable if they do not get the project done on time, Stephanie is a contractor that was building a bar (in her shop) and after delivery did not get paid, Jason had a 2005 Ford truck which had the air bags redone after the recall and his son was in a head on accident and the air bags did not deploy, Charlie was taking tile down in his house he bought three years ago and there was a lot of water damage, Chris paid his E470 bill by money order and although it was cashed they did not credit his account, this and much more.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Mud Jacking and HVAC Day!