Mon 30 Oct: World At War - Un-Personing - Travel Time - Evil Children - People's Song - TheyRUs - Partake Humanity

Published: Oct. 31, 2023, 5:10 a.m.


As the world burns around us, we must find our faith and respect humankind. Denying humanity and personhood leads to atrocities. Discrimination becomes easier. Persecution and violence are next. Remember those mask and VAXXX tactics? The evil children dilemma. Follow the rules or get beat up. Modifying behavior for total control. Karens and forbidden groceries are hard to forget. The great awakening means cooperating for a common existence. The admission, grants and sororities were based on the skin color. When differences scare people. Immigration courts and related scams. The slow erosion into war. Food, water, land and energy are all becoming scarce. National Guard troops in airports. What's up guys? Under the control of govorners? The church groups involved. Truth will bring people to our side. Do the Armenians have billboards? Righteous wars are fought for people's minds. Compassion and Gaza do not go together. A cease fire agreement is needed now more than ever. The Halloween image and traditions of Christian indulgence. Gifts and hospitality means be careful what you give. It's time to rejoice in humanity, and feel compassion for all God's children.
