Fri 26 Jan, 2024: (Part 2 of 2) Tore As The Chaos Coordinator - A Twitter Space Group Discussion - The Actors And Influencers Promoting The Black Swan Event - #NotanotherJ6

Published: Jan. 27, 2024, 6:16 a.m.


Major assets are needed to fake an organic rally. Maybe the cowboy shaman will show up. The stand in the gap crazy talk. What gap is that? There's hundreds of miles of border. The RNC is still working to frame Trump. The RINO's hate primaries. Trump pays attention to everything. Our 250 year experiment with freedom. Pushing people into a way of thinking. It's time to let your President know how you feel. Do not stumble into an obvious psyop. The border crisis has been happening for three years. Beto is on the radar again. We must work with other nations to fight the cartels. The concerns that drive real patriots. Be careful where you use your purse. Major new scenarios are possible. One of the best game theorists out there. Objectivity is learned thru pain. Will the UN come to save us? We need to use our experience to stop their plots. The Government is not our friend, and it's a deadly scenario they are setting up. But their narrative is slipping. If you pay attention, you will understand. Violence will not advance your freedoms. Using our pen and patriotism must be the only answer.
