Two Safety Pins & a Trump Speech

Published: March 1, 2017, 1:17 p.m.

Trump addressed a joint session of Congress last night. I thought it was good & I liked the overall message. J-Dot thought it was Trump's best speech ever. Emotional moment with widow of American soldier who was killed on a mission recently in Yemen. Two minute standing ovation. Even Van Jones impacted. Some liberals may need 2 teddy bears or a new supply of coloring books to cope with the aftermath. I've got 2 safety pins on today to help make liberals feel doubly safe. As some predict end of Trump presidency is just weeks away, Trump explains what he & his team have been accomplishing. Love Trump going over the media's heads. Trump says he inherited a mess. Obama blamed Bush for his entire presidency. Reform legal immigration & the goals that should drive legislation. Repeal & replace Obamacare - and the principles that should be followed in the process. How a father saved his daughter from a rare disease, and how the FDA makes it harder for more things like this from happening. Trump quotes Bible while honoring fallen Navy Seal Ryan Owens, which undoubtedly infuriated some on the Left. Wish I had more time. See you Friday! (I'm out tomorrow.)