Barack Ossoff Comes Up Short

Published: April 19, 2017, 12:22 p.m.

CNN eagerly anticipated Barack Ossoff victory. Instead, they were on the verge of hosting a makeshift cry-in. Ossoff will be in a runoff for the 6th District in Georgia. Ossuff did his best Obama impersonation. Victory for the ages? Dark money? Ossuff doesn't even live in district - and 95% of his campaign funds came from outside district. Bill de Blassio taunts Trump by tweeting out his tax return - except that isn't really what he sent. The superficial Left. Bernie Sanders is a sexist? Maybe we should start calling him Bernie Sexist? US fighter jets intercept Russian bombers off Alaskan coast. Russia claims to have weapon to incapacitate US Navy. Russian TV calls Trump scarier than Kim Jung-un. This sounds very close to what the Democrats say. It's official: if you voted for Trump, you're a racist.