And We're Not Even a Month In Yet

Published: Feb. 14, 2017, 1:12 p.m.

Michael Flynn resigns over Russian call. Russian hack story line moves back into the headlines. Celebratory tone by Left & Media? Did Dennis Rodman violate the Logan Act, too, for his talks with North Korean dictator? Media tells us Michael Flynn made himself subject to potential blackmail. But yet 1/2 of voting Americans (+3 million) were prepared to elect someone mired alleged pay-to-play quagmire wrought with blackmail opportunities. Free markets. School choice. The Left is anti-choice in every area other than marriage & abortion. A meteorologist loses her job for questioning man's role in climate change & the safety of vaccines. The Left is fine with you having your own opinion, so long as it conforms to their opinion. Longest delay in confirming a Cabinet since George Washington. Happy Valentine's Day. See how the holiday is viewed (and protested) by some groups around the world.