Policing Fatness in Black and Queer Bodies 2021-08-25

Published: Aug. 25, 2021, 4 p.m.

Policing Fatness in Black and Queer Bodies 

Earlier this month, Pop Royalty Lizzo and Cardi B released a video for their new song Rumors which debuted at number four on the Billboard Hot 100. But what should have been a celebratory moment for Lizzo was ruined by the internet haters, who unleashed a toxic stream of offensive and racist comments about Lizzo’s body.

The Battle of Blair Mountain 100 Years Later

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the largest labor uprising in the United States, the Battle of Blair Mountain. In August 1921, 7000-10,000 coal miners began marching together against corruption by the coal company, making it the biggest labor uprising in the history of the United States.

Trans Athlete Bill Hearing During Most Anti-LGBTQ Year in Texas Legislative History 

On Tuesday the Texas House, which is currently in a ‘special session,’ held a hearing on Senate Bill 2, the bill that would ban transgender student athletes from playing sports. The Takeaway spoke with Landon Richie, an 18-year-old trans activist who has grown up in the state, about his experience and the barrage of anti-trans legislation. 

For transcripts, see individual segment pages.