Playing for the Planet Episode 5 - Dale Vince: Our fans have changed how they live veggie, vegan, electric cars, solar panels...

Published: Sept. 14, 2021, 5 a.m.

b'Time to be inspired. No doubt, Forest Green Rovers are THE greenest football club in the world. Endorsed as such by both FIFA and the United Nations, they are a true beacon for climate action. Sky Sports presenter David Garrido learns from chairman Dale Vince just how they got there, including only-vegan fare, electric charging points, solar panels, an organic pitch\\u2026and we find out what their latest 100% sustainable shirt is made out of. Vince also called out governing bodies to make a big impact, while head coach Rob Edwards tells us about his journey, how it\\u2019s changed his mindset, what new attitudes he and his team are adopting and how it\\u2019s benefitting their push for promotion to League 1.

By David Garrido'