United States state department tells Americans not to travel abroad; CDC reports infections among younger and middle age adults; Former national security advisor joins Wolf;

Published: March 20, 2020, 1:26 a.m.

170 coronavirus deaths in United States, 11,631 confirmed cases; United States state department notifies Americans to return home or "shelter in place for duration"; Mayor: New York City expected to run out of medical supplies in 2-3 weeks; FDA says anti-malaria drug has not yet been approved as a coronavirus treatment after Trump said it was; CDC recommends health care workers reuse masks in a "crisis" and use bandanas or scarves as a "last resort"; Trump: "Governors are supposed to be doing a lot of this work," federal government "not a shipping clerk"; New York Times: White House was warned last year United States wasn't ready for pandemic; Risks for young and middle age adults; Dr. Gupta answers your coronavirus questions; Global coronavirus update; Italy reports 3,400+ deaths, surpassing China's toll; Florida Governor: get off the beach; Dr. Gupta answers your questions about thee virus;