One Out Of Every 100 Americans Has Been Infected With Coronavirus

Published: July 14, 2020, 2:27 a.m.

The United States death tool has surpassed 135,000. Now, one out of every 100 Americans has been infected with coronavirus.  California governor orders a sweeping rollback of indoor activities. The rollback includes indoor operations like restaurants and bars. California's two largest school districts won't reopen next month. Florida governor is scheduled to speak as the state shatters the United States' record for new coronavirus infections in one day. Florida's cases now top 282,000 infections. New York City reports that they had no new coronavirus deaths for the first time since March.  The education secretary echoes Trump's push for schools to reopen and brushes off the coronavirus risk. The education secretary won't say if schools should follow CDC reopening guidelines.  Trump defends relationship with Fauci after the White House attacks the top disease expert's credibility. White House officials denies opposition research on Fauci despite memos against him. Fauci says that "We haven't even begun to see the end" of the coronavirus pandemic. Fauci also says that some states went from a shutdown to "throwing caution to the wind."  White House officials defends Trump's retweet of game show host saying the CDC is lying. An Ex-Trump chief of staff says lack of testing strategy is "inexcusable."