Coronavirus cases top 113,000 in U.S., 650,000+ Worldwide; Trump considers short-term quarantine of parts of NY, NJ, CT; Italy Surpasses China in Number of Cases and Deaths

Published: March 29, 2020, 6:59 a.m.

NY Governor: Trump ordered quarantine would be a declaration of war on states; President to make N.Y.-area quarantine decision "shortly"; Virus hotspots emerge around Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans; New Orleans at epicenter of Louisiana's rising case numbers; 1.5 million people packed into New Orleans for Mardi Gras; NOLA Mayor: "No red flags were given" to cancel Mardi Gras; Getting doctors the supplies they need; More than 200 million Americans in 25 states told to stay home; NY nurse stapled broken mask to help it last through shift; Grim milestones in Italy's fight against coronavirus; 51 Italian doctors dead after contracting the virus; 102 year old Italian woman recovers from coronavirus; The rush to make life saving ventilators; Gov. Cuomo: projections show NY could need 30,000 ventilators; Trump invoked DPA to require GM to produce ventilators; GM and Ventec announce partnership to produce ventilators; Doctors describe "apocalyptic" scenes at Queens hospital; 13 die of virus at one NYC hospital over 24 hour period; NY doctor: Today "worst" day; tomorrow will be "worse"; How the coronavirus is changing our lives; Coping with virus that's changing daily life across the US