Bloomberg and Sanders spar ahead of ex-mayor's first debate; Source: Trump and Barr "cooling off" after attorney general signals he may resign over Trump's tweets; Bloomberg and Sanders spar ahead of ex-mayor's first debate;

Published: Feb. 20, 2020, 10:58 a.m.

Bloomberg and Sanders spar ahead of ex-mayor's first debate; Source: Trump and Barr "cooling off" after attorney general signals he may resign over Trump's tweets; Sanders: Bloomberg doesn't have "Right to buy election"; Sanders facing questions over withholding full medical records, despite heart attack; Sanders aide apologies after falsely claiming Bloomberg had a heart attack; Lawyer for Wikileaks' Assange claims Trump offered pardon in exchange for help with Russia investigation; Top Pentagon policy official who warned against withholding Ukraine aid resigns at Trump's request; CNN Poll of Polls: Sanders well ahead of 2020 rivals; Bloomberg and Sanders spar ahead of ex-mayor's first debate; Sanders refuses to release more medical records; Japan criticized as coronavirus spreads on quarantine ship;