Americans Flock to Public Places Without Social Distancing With Climbing Coronavirus Death Toll

Published: May 26, 2020, 4:06 a.m.

For Memorial Day weekend, Trump spends majority of the holiday weekend tweeting political attacks and golfing. Trump also visits Fort McHenry on Memorial Day, despite Baltimore mayor's plea to abide by the stay-at-home order. Trump is also threatening to pull the GOP convention from North Carolina if not allowed "full attendance" in an arena.  Recently, crowds across the United States are ignoring coronavirus social distancing guidelines as the coronavirus death toll nears 100,000. The gathering are escalating new fears of a new coronavirus spread. A World Health Organization says it's dangerous to assume that the next real "danger point" for the coronavirus isn't until October or November. After a large number of people gathered in Arkansas amid the coronavirus pandemic, the gathering is now linked to a high school swim party. Arkansas is now experiencing a second peak of coronavirus cases. Dr. Birx says its critically important that people wear masks as states reopen and the coronavirus death tolls climb. FDA commissioner warns that coronavirus is not yet contained.  The current rate of new coronavirus cases are trending up in 18 states, down in 10 states and steady in 22 states. Novavax is now set to begin its human trails of the experimental coronavirus vaccine.