0370 - Friday 15 - Mindset

Published: Dec. 12, 2015, 12:53 a.m.


Today, people are clamoring for safety and for good reason.\\xa0 San Bernardino was a wake up call.\\xa0 Paris got people\\u2019s attention, but San Bernardino hit home.\\xa0 It took place in a state with some of the most restrictive laws.\\xa0 The people that were killed were unable to stop it and police, as fast as their response was, were unable to stop it.\\xa0 As a result terrorists murdered Americans in cold blood.


San Bernardino is smelling salts under the nose of America.\\xa0 The problem is that America has been asleep for years and when you wake up from that deep of an unconsciousness you tend to be a bit groggy.


The fighting spirit of the American people has dissipated with sleep.\\xa0 We have lost our mindset.


Today in episode 370 are going to take and unscripted harsh look at why mindset is the key to your personal safety.\\xa0 In some ways the rush for the tools that many people are making is a mistake because it short cuts the reality of what you really need and we will take a look at what it is that you can do to increase your commitment to your personal safety.


When it comes to defensive training and concealed carry there are typically 3 areas the people can choose to focus on within any specific discipline.\\xa0 We might be talking about unarmed aspect of self-defense or the medical aftermath that you may need to deal with or even the legal fight you might face following a use of lethal force.\\xa0 It doesn\\u2019t matter what the area is it can be approached from three different angles:

  1. Mindset \\xa0
  2. \\n
  3. Skills & Tactics\\xa0
  4. \\n
  5. Tools
  6. \\n



If we take a look at each aspect and what it is it would break down something like this:




Mindset is your willingness to act.\\xa0 What will it take for you to actually respond to a situation.\\xa0 Where is your line in the sand?


Skills & Tactics


Think of skills and tactics as how it is that you will act after the line has been crossed.\\xa0 This may take into account your previous experience and the pedagogy that you have invested in.




Tools make up the actual physical assets that you act with.




When it comes to Mindset, Skills and Tactics or Tools, the list is ordinal.\\xa0 It simply means that one of the list is more important than all the others.\\xa0 The most important is MINDSET.


Consider this:


Without the willingness to act you have nothing.\\xa0 The way you do something is irrelevant if you never do it. The tool you do something with doesn\\u2019t matter if you never do it.\\xa0 You must have the willingness to act.


Doing it is the answer.


\\u201cIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.\\u201d


Those are the words of Theodore Roosevelt spoke these words in Paris of all places.


The question that you should be asking yourself is not what gun should I get.\\xa0 The gun is the tool.\\xa0 Instead you need to be asking do I have what it takes to DO SOMETHING?


Some ways to build mindset:


Get outside


Push your limits


Reflect on what you value and what you are willing to do to preserve it.


Christmas morning look at the people around you.


What are you willing to do to keep those people safe?\\xa0 What are you willing to do to keep yourself safe so that those people have you to enjoy and guid e them in life.


Reflect on who you fear and what they are willing to sacrifice.\\xa0 YOU MUST BE WILLING TO raise their bet.\\xa0 You must go all in.


If you appreciated this Friday 15, if you want to learn more about how you can harden yourself and increase your mindset, I want you to connect with me.


When you do I am going to send you a pdf of the resources I talked about in this episode and future resources that are going to help you to make real improvements in your personal safety.


All you need to do is take out your cell phone and text the word \\u201cFriday15\\u201d to 33444\\xa0 and I will get you a link to where you can download your free pdf.


Thank you for spending some time with me prepare yourself and those that you love by increasing your mindset.


Get out there get some training, when you do, keep it simple, stay safe and have a great day.
