Podcasting can still be a revolutionary toolit depends on how we use it

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 7:55 p.m.

b'The number of podcasts has exploded in the past five years, and so much of the field is dominated by big names and platforms like Spotify and Liberty, but we shouldn\\u2019t give up on the medium\\u2019s revolutionary potential.
Late last year, TRNN Editor-in-Chief and Working People host Maximillian Alvarez had the honor of speaking to a class at Tulane University called "Introduction to Podcasting and Social Justice" taught by Dr. Billy Saas, co-host and producer of the podcast Money on the Left, as well as the co-founder and co-director of the Money on the Left Editorial Collective. The students in the class talked to him about how and why he started Working People, how the show has grown over the years, and they also had a deep conversation about the political importance of podcasting as a medium. Then, Alvarez recorded a follow-up conversation with Dr. Saas and two students from the class, Sophia Badame and Sophie Harris, about how the class evolved over the semester, the final projects they worked on, and how the next generation of podcasters are working to explore and expand the medium.
Pre-Production: Maximillian Alvarez
Studio/Post-Production: Jules Taylor
Read the transcript of this podcast: https://therealnews.com/podcasting-can-still-be-a-revolutionary-tool-it-depends-on-how-we-use-it
Additional links/info below...

Billy\\u2019s faculty page and Twitter page:

Money on the Left website, Facebook page, and Twitter page:

Maximillian Alvarez, The Chronicle Review (The Chronicle of Higher Education), "The Podcast University (An Interview with Zachary Davis)":

Maximillian Alvarez, Current Affairs, "Can the Working Class Speak?":

Forest Hunt, FAIR, \\u201cThe New Podcast Oligopoly\\u201d:

Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive at freemusicarchive.org):
Jules Taylor, "Working People Theme Song"

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