Tue 7Jun22 "It's a Pageant" — Jan6 "Production" Goes Hollywood

Published: June 7, 2022, 5:09 p.m.

* Democrat Jan6 Commission goes full "Wag the Dog" with prime time big production — starring newly minted "sedition" charges for the villains
* Biden skips D-Day commemoration — AGAIN. Here's the REST of the story of a school drop out and the role his invention played in the victory
* Does the massacre of 50 Christians in Nigeria (using guns) fit into the narrative of USA gun control pushed by church leaders
* INTERVIEW: Will Politics Kill Medicine? Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, MD pulls no punches going after the political & bureaucratic attacks on medicine. Excess deaths in heavily vaccinated Taiwan & Australia. And, what we're learning about treating long term effects of jab
* Another Clinton "suicide". This time found hanging from a tree with a shotgun wound to the chest
* Pete Buttigieg comes out of the closet as a Marxist, suggesting that govt take over production of oil and other critical things to fight inflation
* "Davos Toomey" & GOP politicians join with Democrats to incrementally infringe your ability to protect (and help Biden)
* Do Christians need to do more than "thoughts and prayers"? If so, what?

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