23Dec22 Deutsche Banks says "Eco-Dictatorship Coming

Published: Dec. 23, 2022, 6:27 p.m.

- Eco-Dictatorship is coming
- A look back at the creation of the Fed by crisis and deception 109 years ago
- INTERVIEW: Davis Younts, military lawyer — vax mandates and the head fake of the NDAA
- INTERVIEW: TN State Senator Frank Niceley - State Bank and Precious Metals Depository for Tennessee
- INTERVIEW: Aman Jabbi - How Smart Cities will be open air prisons

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

The 109th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve.

The fourth area is climate. This is going to be the foremost thing in their mind.

"Eco-Dictatorship" is coming and they MUST have the will to do it

EU to fund 4 concurrent tests of biometric payments from digital wallets in retail phase of

Elizabeth Warren wants to introduce surveillance for all crypto wallets in the US.

My report — It's A Wonderful LIE, 109th Anniversary. Amazing similarities between JP Morgan and the villain banker in "It's a Wonderful Life" - and it's no coincidence. The Federal Reserve was created by crisis and deception 23Dec1913 and it's turned us into Pottersville. But our strength lies elsewhere

Davis Younts, #1 rated defense counsel in Air Force, joins. Davis is involved in many military cases defending religious liberty against the vaccine mandates. DavisYounts.com

Have they discharged any Coast Guard members? What kind of a discharge are they getting? 40:21

Federal law requires that the military cannot mandate an experimental or emergency use medical product for any reason without an exception by the president.

Respect for Marriage Act and other issues on the way.

What we need to be doing as Christians is recognizing the actual battle that’s here.

What type of homeschooling challenges are you seeing now?

What happened with the anthrax vaccine.

In the newly passed NDAA there is supposed to be a prohibition against expelling service members over vaccine mandates. But it won't protect anyone

What’s going to happen if you don’t comply with the vaccine mandate?

What is the moral standard for the military today?

Tennessee Senator Frank Niceley joins to talk about efforts to create a Precious Metals Depository in the state and new efforts to create a State Bank.

State Precious Metals Depository

It’s going to be an open air prison

There already is a State Bank in Tennessee.

What are the advantages of State Bank for the people and for small, local banks?

State-to-state compacts are perfectly legal.

What’s going to happen with CBDC.

Aman Jabbi joins - the coming open air prison of Smart Cities

What is a smart city? What are their goals?

The five pillars of the digital transformation

Tokenization is another way of doing smart contracts.

The importance of having a sheriff in every county in America who shares our values.

The key to stopping global governance is at the local level.

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