22Sep22 Raising Interest Rates & Interest in War; PayPal Financial Purges to Prepare for CBDC

Published: Sept. 22, 2022, 5:19 p.m.

* Escalating talk about nuclear war. Why does Russia, especially Putin, backed into a corner, see an "existential fight"? Instead of detente, Biden & NATO seek escalation as well.
* PayPal is moving the Overton Window toward CBDC purges and banishment from the financial system for dissidents
* Senate Republicans just betrayed us (again) on the Climate MacGuffin — joining a treaty to make Air Conditioning much more expensive. It's our corruption & crony crapitalism
* Will Biden or other demagogue Democrats disavow the leftist hate-murder of a teen? The murderer is already getting softball treatment from the "justice" system
* Are the new charges against Trump brought by the NY AG, credible, a threat, a political witch hunt?
* What is the intention of the Federal Reserve? A look at their priorities & plans
* Tony Arterburn joins to discuss financial markets and political control
* DeSantis owns TX sheriff who "investigated" crimes committed by sending illegals to Martha's Vineyard. Also, masterfully shuts down lawsuit by illegal aliens (illegal lawsuit?)

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