15May23 Illegals Encouraged to Join Police in California; Mitigating mRNA Spike Harm; "Build-A-Queer" Grooming by Mail

Published: May 15, 2023, 7:54 p.m.

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Busted Border: Come & get the free phones, plane tickets, etc and come back in 3 to 5 years for a court date as federal "law enforcement" runs cover, attacking journalists (2:00)

The rap sheet of Jordan Neely — the new hero of the race-war promoters (10:08)

"Citizen's Arrest"? How about illegals arresting legal citizens? Illegal aliens allowed and encouraged to become police officers in California (13:05)

As trannies push to takeover Mother's Day, more than half of Americans say motherhood is the most important role for a woman to fill in today’s world. (15:52)

Stop playing defense and go on offense — time to build family, build culture. Kirk Cameron shows the right approach to Drag Queen grooming (18:32)

"Build-A-Queer" — who is behind the organization sending sex paraphernalia to kids through the mail and coaching them on how to hide it from parents? (31:23)

Put on a happy face: Japanese, finally getting rid of mask mandates, have training classes on how to smile again (50:44)

"Anti-vaxxers are a menace who must be defeated", says London Times. (56:39)

The Imperial College of London is STILL the “true enemy of the world” as they double-down on lies about jabs (after the lies that kicked off the lockdown) (57:36)

Dr. Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer): What’s going to happen if we don’t stop the digital revolution. (1:09:38)

FDA changes blood donation policy to allow homosexual and bisexual men to give blood. (1:13:25)

Look at George Santos, Biden, Trump and forget politics for a moment. What lessons can we learn from their lives that give us hope for our lives — or a warning? (1:24:29)

Pro-life groups are making the classic mistake of federalizing their goals — making a federal case out of whatever is most important to them (1:39:04)

Fast Food That Lasts FOREVER (literally) vs Recycled Packaging Why do they worry when the food doesn't spoil — FOR DECADES WATCH this is what McDonalds burger and fries looks like at 25 years old (1:51:25)

British Gas refuses to install heat pumps because they don’t work in a cold climate. 19 State AGs come after gas stoves. Emperor Biden tells power plants to cut emissions by 90% or close. (1:57:15)

INTERVIEW Oncologist on "Turbo" Cancer and AIDS and Mitigating Spike Damage Dr. William Makis, MD, TWCCanada.health and makismd.substack.com The new phenomenon of unusually virulent and fast-acting cancers and a massive increase in AIDS. And, what can be done about mitigating the damage from mRNA and spikes (2:04:05)

Twitter's new Davos CEO and what the return to kowtowing to government and multinational corporate demands will mean for the election (2:49:13)

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