12Apr23 Pandemic National Emergency Executive Order ENDS! — But What Continues?

Published: April 12, 2023, 8:39 p.m.

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Quietly, Monday night, Biden ended Trump's 3+ year Emergency Exec Order. But another one remains. And there are other issues as well. So where are we now? 2:44

Remember when "America Held Hostage", Nightline, and the Iranians taking over the US Embassy and holding Americans hostage? That only last about 1/3 of the time this did 10:20

The politics between Biden and House Republicans. What ended and what did not 15:35

Trump Exec Order was about financing the lockdown. The remaining HHS order was about medical martial law 24:40

WATCH: RFK Jr talks about the long history of germ games by CIA 36:57

What is Operation Lockstep? The pandemic lockdown by Trump were the 2nd shoe to drop of 9/11, part and parcel of the plan 41:16

The NIH has been funding animal experimentation in Russia even AFTER sanctions. 48:08

Despotic governor slammed and state fined for persecution and intimidation of Christians going to church Easter, 3 years ago. 1:02:00

Artificial Intelligence (AI): "A Defamation" & Disinfo Machine We've been told that AI is hallucinogenic. It should have license to just make things up. Now it's not just pushing government narratives about pandemics and climate but libeling law professors and labelling innocent people as convicted criminals. Will anything slow down the race between search engine competitors to incorporate it? How about some lawsuits? Who's responsible for its lies in a world when government labels everyone they disagree with as disinfo agents. 1:10:17

Clearview scrapes 30 BILLION faces off of Facebook and sells to law enforcement as another biometric company says AI Deep Fakes necessitate Digital ID for everyone 1:35:27

Oklahoma and Tennessee have introduced bills to stop using Federal money for education. Will you sell your kids? 1:51:02

After Elon Musk's war against Substack and Matt Taibbi, Alex Berenson talks about his personal encounter with Musk at the start of the "Twitter Files" 2:03:23

Elon Musk wants to turn Twitter into “X”, will the Twitter Files become the X-Files? 2:17:00

"LGBT advocates" planning for battle? They're fighting to continue to groom MINORS and remove parental rights. But mainstream media spins it 2:22:39

LISTENER emails: A signalman's perspective of what's going on with railroads, and the connection between Abraham and Easter 2:34:01

INTERVIEW Weaponized Migration a Firsthand Report
We go overtime as Michael Yon joins us late in the program, reporting from Panama.
How NGO's and globalist organizations have a calculated method to circumvent immigration laws of countries throughout South & Central America into America as well as in Europe, the Netherlands in particular. Migration from China, Africa and every region is being used as a weapon of warfare and is a ticking time bomb for when the economy implodes. 2:50:16

Rape kits provided by NGO's in Panama are not for testing if rape occurs, but preparing migrants TO BE RAPED 2:55:05

What’s happening in Europe with weaponized migration and the planned take down — Luxemborg, the Netherlands and literal wolves turned lose on citizens where they never existed naturally 2:58:21

What is the purpose of these “smart cities” especially the GIANT one being built in the Netherlands as they confiscate farmer's land and farms? 3:01:42

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