I Hate the Sound of My Voice, What Do I Do?

Published: June 25, 2019, 5 a.m.


I hear it all of the time...
"I want to have a podcast, but I hate the sound of my voice! What do I do?"

Today I'm sharing with you some tips to overcome those inner thoughts that can be damaging your confidence behind the mic. Don't let that feeling of "not good enough" hold you back from creating a podcast that can help lots of people.

There's someone out there, like right now, that needs to hear the message that only you can share. Not her. Not him. Not anyone else but you!

So come along for the ride as we overcome our voices and step into exactly the podcaster we need to be.

Get the playbook Marie Forleo used to build a Multi-Million Dollar Empire and launch 80,000+ other businesses, too! Register for her masterclass "Steal My Strategy" today: https://krystalproffitt.com/steal.
