Get Active Podcasters! with Amy Connell

Published: June 25, 2020, 5 a.m.


Are you sitting on your rear wayyyy too much? Yes, you, Podcasters. I'm talking to you.

But I'm not doing any finger-pointing here. I'm just as guilty of not stretching, forgetting to take breaks to get up and walk around, or slouching at my desk when I start feeling tired.

Today, I'm excited to bring Amy Connell on to the podcast to share her fitness tips for all of us who spend too much time on our phones, at our desks, and not moving around as much as our bodies need us to.

Amy's sharing with us tangible tips that you can start implementing into your daily life as a podcaster. We're also both sharing our - slightly embarrassing - personal stories of how we try to get moving more as podcasters.

So tune in for some health and wellness resources that you can start putting into practice today.

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