How Does Laremy Tunsil's Drama Affect Ole Miss' Future?

Published: May 4, 2016, 1:58 p.m.

Ricky Widmer and Brandon Swanson discuss the drama the surrounded Laremy Tunsil at the NFL Draft. Will is have any affect on Ole Miss' future? Additional Topics: Leonard Fournette: #1 Pick in '17? Best QB Futures (Recorded on: May 3rd, 2016) Check out MVP on iTunes:…sts/id1022197681 You can directly support Most Valuable Podcasts at Become a patron for as little as $1/month to help us expand our great content for you. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content. ------------------------------------ Snapchat: mostvaluablepod Twitter: Facebook: Patreon: