How to remove all the negativity and receive love and light.

Published: Oct. 23, 2023, 4 a.m.


In this episode, we\'re diving deep into the process of shedding our old selves and stepping into the powerful individuals we\'re meant to be.


One of the most challenging aspects of becoming your true self is letting go of your old beliefs, relationships, and baggage that\'s been weighing you down. We often place more value on external things than on being true to ourselves, making it incredibly difficult to release them.


Imagine it like this: you\'re trying to run forward in life while carrying a heavy bag full of your past self. It\'s holding you back and slowing you down. So, how do you let go and become the person you\'re meant to be?


It starts with prioritizing yourself. This may seem selfish, but it\'s a vital step. You can\'t help others if you\'re struggling or feeling lost. You need to be fulfilled to be of service to others.


That inner knowing that something has to change is a calling from the universe, your higher self, or however you perceive it. It\'s telling you to open your eyes, to understand that you are already a beautiful being, and becoming more loving, joyful, and positive doesn\'t make you better than others; it\'s your journey.


It\'s hard to let go of people, things we love, or situations we\'re comfortable in, but it\'s your commitment to becoming the best version of yourself that counts. You\'re coming across this message now because it\'s time to listen, observe, and start serving yourself so you can serve others.


The journey is about connecting with love, being a beacon of light, and raising others up. No matter where you\'ve come from, your pain and challenges have a purpose. You\'re here for a reason: to be the light and grow from your experiences.


Begin by creating positive affirmations like "I am love" and repeat them to build a stronger, more positive you. Your foundation is your mindset, and your purpose is your calling. Rise up and become the rising tide that lifts all ships.



- Henry




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