Tech Start-Ups and Marketing : Paul Hayes interviewed

Published: Nov. 30, 2014, 10 a.m.


This podcast is an extended interview with Paul Hayes\\xa0from BeachHut PR. Our interview is wide-ranging, covering Paul\'s early career with Havok Games, the indigenous gaming sector today, the industry group he set up - Games Ireland - and moves to discuss practical actions that can enhance the marketing and public relations for tech companies. We discuss whether there is an Irish Angry Birds?, the role of devices in driving tech adoption, the way Scandanavian companies adopt a global perspective from the start, and transaction officers\' role in helping the fortysomething entrepreneurs grow their business. We conclude the discussion by talking about Flounders\\xa0- a fringe unofficial Web Summit event that he organised along with Noel Toolan, Pat Phelan, and Mark Little...this event became a safe place for some hard truths about failure and the need to \'fail upwards\'.
