No.21: Mobile Wireless Technology and Marketing

Published: Oct. 7, 2006, 3:25 p.m.

In the run up to the International Wireless Conference to be held in Dublin on Ocotber 18th, I interviewed John Strand of Strand Consult John is one of the best-known mobile wireless consultants in the business. Anyone who has met John knows that he always speaks his opinion. Being honest - and giving his honest opinion on current issues in the mobile industry has become John\'s trademark - even when it means being controversial or treading on some toes. John Strand\'s uncanny ability to predict coming challenges for the mobile market and his straightforward attitude to what customers are doing right and wrong has made John a valued speaker at mobile conferences all over the world and he is constantly quoted in the Scandinavian and International press.

The podcast also features an interview with Darrell Crowe, Sales and Marketing Manager of Repak Repak is Irelands first voluntary initiative between industry and the Department of the Environment designed to meet industrys producer responsibility obligations under the EU directive on packaging and packaging waste.

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