The Newsmax Daily with Rob Carson (03/30/21)

Published: March 30, 2021, 9:33 p.m.


- Joe Biden stumbles and bumbles through a warning about renewing mask mandates.

- Kamala Harris laughs at a very inappropriate time, AGAIN.

- Naomi Wolf on why you should do everything you can to reject covid passports.

- Rob Schmitt talks to trump legal team members about Senator Ted Cruz being blocked at the border, also speaks with K.T. McFarland about how China is undoubtedly responsible for the Wuhan virus.

- Newsmax’s Greg Kelly shows Anthony Fauci should not get credit for the COVID vaccine, also speaks with Senator James Lankford about what's really happening on the border.

- Grant Stinchfield visits with former Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke about the George Floyd / Derek Chauvin trial.

- Plus an exclusive interview with Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch