Dimwit Democrats Double Down On Police Defunding

Published: April 14, 2021, 6:08 p.m.

- The national media still insists on calling riots “protests”

- The mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota suggests that police only do traffic stops without weapons

- Marxist BLM founder Patrice Cullors got paid $20,000 a month to be a jail reform group chair person

- Project Veritas catches a CNN official admitting the network is Democrat propaganda

- AOC tells families to go and retroactively change people’s death certificates to say “death due to COVID”

- Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt talks to senator Rick Scott about what Republicans need to do in 2022!

- Special Guest:  Newsmax’s own Grant Stinchfield with incredible insider information about police training and what happened in Brooklyn Center, MN with Daunte Wright