Start Putting Yourself First: Tools to Say No Without Guilt or Drama

Published: Feb. 27, 2023, 5 a.m.

b"In this episode, you are going to learn how to put yourself first.\\n \\nWhich means you and I are having a conversation about people-pleasing.\\n \\nYou know you do it. I do it, too. \\n \\nIn fact, unless you're a narcissistic jerk (and you\\u2019re not if you\\u2019re listening to these podcast episodes), we are all people-pleasers to some extent.\\n \\nBeing a people-pleaser is a coping mechanism and it is destroying your energy, your time, your dreams, and your sanity.\\n \\nEvery time you say yes to something you don\\u2019t really want to do, you\\u2019re saying no to yourself.\\n \\nToday, we\\u2019re changing that in a surprising way.\\n \\nFirst, you\\u2019ll become aware of when and why you do it.\\n \\nSecond, you\\u2019ll learn the science-backed tools you need to break the habit of always putting other people\\u2019s needs before your own.\\n \\nThird, you and I are going to have a talk about guilt, because when you start saying no, one thing I can guarantee is that you\\u2019ll feel guilty about it.\\n \\nI used to, too. I don\\u2019t anymore. And I\\u2019ll explain how you can handle the guilt and still put yourself first. One of the critical steps to creating a life you love is learning how to say yes to what matters to you and no to what doesn\\u2019t.\\n \\nThis is a big topic; there are a lot of surprising layers.\\n \\nSo I can\\u2019t wait for you to apply these relatable and easy strategies to your life and to hear about your breakthroughs. \\n \\nXo Mel \\n \\nIn this episode, you\\u2019ll learn:\\n\\n1:50: What the heck IS people-pleasing anyway? (4 takeaways you may have not heard)\\n5:12: I bet you can relate to Janet who learned this message as a kid.\\n6:00: Let\\u2019s just get the bad news about guilt out of the way.\\n7:15: Because here is some good news about guilt!\\n9:00: What does a pool table have to do with people-pleasing?\\n14:50: I still cringe when I think of this phone call with my father.\\n18:45: Here\\u2019s how a pool table can double as a desk \\U0001f602 \\n22:10: What happens when your friends don\\u2019t like the \\u201cnew you\\u201d?\\n24:45: At the heart of people-pleasing is this.\\n26:00: This research explains why we avoid discomfort. \\n27:16: Think people-pleasing is about others? Think again.\\n28:00: The surprising advice for how to handle disappointment from others.\\n31:50: What if your lifestyle is now different from your friends?\\n34:30: Here\\u2019s where to find friends who get you.\\n35:10: Please stop looking here for validation as you change your life.\\n37:50: Are you sure you know when you\\u2019re being authentic?\\n40:00: Do this to start figuring out who you really are.\\n42:00: Do this next time you\\u2019re asked to do something you don\\u2019t want to do.\\n47:00: Here\\u2019s how my friend Amy reacted when I had to bail on her at dinner in Vegas.\\n48:50: This is what happens every time you start to say no.\\n \\nWant me to answer your question on the podcast? Submit it here.\\n \\nVisit for additional resources.\\n \\nSign up for my free 5-day Wake Up Challenge.\\n \\nDisclaimer"