Hate Your Job? Burnt Out? Laid Off? Reimagine Your Future & Take the Next Right Step

Published: Feb. 23, 2023, 5 a.m.

b'In this episode, I\\u2019m on a mission to open your eyes to new possibilities.\\n \\nWhat do you really want from your life?\\n \\nAnd how can you reimagine your next career move to help you fulfill it?\\n \\nIf you\\u2019re feeling stuck in a job you hate, were just laid off or fired, just graduated, or you have no idea what you want to do with your life, this episode is my gift to you.\\n \\nI wanted to do something to help you gain the clarity and courage that you need to make a big change when you\\u2019re feeling uncertain.\\n \\nSo I\\u2019ve arranged for you to meet with one of the best experts on the planet for a zero cost masterclass and coaching session on getting clear on your next career move, Amy Porterfield.\\n \\nHer new book, Two Weeks Notice, is the playbook for how you build a successful side hustle or business with zero prior experience.\\n \\nAmy\\u2019s taught more than 50,000 people just like you how to go from dreading their job to designing the life and work they\\u2019ve dreamed about.\\n \\nToday Amy is coaching you, and when you\\u2019re done listening to our conversation, you\\u2019ll not only be inspired, but you\\u2019ll also have the tactical next steps to take.\\n \\nAnd, if you\\u2019ve ever quietly dreamt of having your own business, my mission today is to pour gasoline on that fire.\\n \\nAfter you listen, you\\u2019ll think differently about what you\\u2019re capable of, and you\\u2019ll get a taste of what COULD be.\\n \\nI always say you are one decision away from the rest of your life.\\n \\nIf you\\u2019re ready to design a life you love waking up to, we\\u2019re about to teach you how.\\n \\nXo Mel \\n \\n\\nIn this episode, you\\u2019ll learn:\\n\\n0:13: What you\\u2019ll learn today and why you don\\u2019t want to miss this episode.\\n4:00: Laid off or in a job you hate? Here\\u2019s what you need to know right now\\n8:00: Amy\\u2019s wake up call moment \\u2013 and what you can learn from it.\\n11:30: Have you ever felt there was something else you were supposed to do? \\n13:15: Jealousy is a good thing when it does this for you.\\n22:30: Don\\u2019t know what to do next? Start with the Sweet Spot Formula.\\n26:15: Adopt this mentality and you\\u2019ll start leveling up in all areas of your life.\\n31:30: If you want to be your own boss, start doing this.\\n32:00: My #1 pro tip to get a free education. \\n34:00: Ok, but what do you do if you don\\u2019t have a lot of money?\\n35:30: Here\\u2019s what happens to you once you take action.\\n38:30: Think you\\u2019re too old to be your own boss? Listen to this story.\\n44:50: My top two tips when it comes to feeling more confident.\\n47:00: Afraid of others judging you? Here\\u2019s how you handle that.\\n50:15: The power of your \\u201cstarter idea\\u201d\\n \\nWant me to answer your question on the podcast? Submit it here.\\n \\nVisit www.melrobbins.com/podcast for additional resources.\\n \\nSign up for my free 5-day Wake Up Challenge to start beating procrastination from the second your alarm goes off.\\n\\nDisclaimer'