Episode 2 - Back of the Starbucks Bus

Published: April 18, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

b'This episode is called "BACK OF THE STARBUCKS BUS." On October 19, 1960, Dr. King was arrested during a sit-in at "The Magnolia Room" in Rich\'s Department Store in Atlanta, Georgia. Rich\'s allowed African Americans to purchase items, but they could not sit and eat at a table in the Magnolia Room. Dr. King was arrested for violating laws which allowed individuals to be charged with a misdemeanor if they refuse to leave private property when asked.

On April 12, 2018, (56 years after King\'s arrest) two black real estate entrepreneurs were arrested while waiting for a table at a Philadelphia Starbucks. The Starbucks\' manager asked the two entrepreneurs to leave the store after they asked to use the restroom prior to making a purchase. The entrepreneurs explained that they were waiting for a colleague and would order after his arrival. The manager summoned the police and they were arrested -- after refusing the leave after three requests.

Starbucks plans to close all 8,000 of it\'s domestic stores on May 29, 2018 for racial sensitivity training following protest at the Philadelphia, PA store.

If you are interested in opening an account with a Black Bank, here is the link for One United Bank https://www.oneunited.com/personal-banking/open-an-account/open-an-online-account/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2dvWBRBvEiwADllhnwDYzENe7kMBGk2lCyhziimrxMct4VQkcttPlEN69yWKG91lYryN5xoCbTkQAvD_BwE.

If you need a list of black owned, here it is https://shoppeblack.us/2018/04/black-owned-coffee-tea-starbucks-alternatives/ When you buy your latte from a Black-owned coffee shop, post a picture with the hashtag #backofthestarbucksbus.

If you are a member of the Starbucks community, you need to listen to this episode!'