Whistleblower Identified, But Big Media Won't Tell You

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 9:15 p.m.

Better roads in Denver. Fat cat, Cinder Block, refuses to exercise. The best way to commute, public transportation and driving yourself. Bernie Sanders’ supporters explain why they like high taxes. Jason Mamoa dressed up as Elvis Presley.

Real Clear Investigations names the whistleblower. Major media outlets knew the whole time, but instead of revealing the facts they covered it up. Turns out, he has many ties with others who were actively working against Trump. A dossier has been circling around D.C.

It’s A Living! Kevin Hill, a retired operator at a water treatment facility, tells us what happens after you flush the toilet. How water is treated and filtered back to the earth or recycled.

Worst candy can harm you. Halloween candy safety rumors. The history and religion behind Halloween.