Daylight Savings Time is Worthless

Published: Nov. 1, 2019, 9:12 p.m.

Styrofoam is irresistible to not tear apart, even for cats. Celebrating small businesses. Get paid to get the flu. Medical studies that pay big for big diseases.

Mainstream media still hasn’t reported on the named whistleblower; not even Fox News. Mandy rants about Daylight Savings Time and the bill to end it will pass.

Government really doesn’t know anything about nutrition. The FDA food pyramid has no science behind it and has actually made Americans fat.

Michelle Zellner is back to take on another step of her book “The You Revolution: a Journey to a Better Being”. Inflammation is related to many diseases and eating habits and stress directly effect it. The history of weight loss. Why real butter is so good and better for you. Sugar is in everything.

Rob Williams, our lovable Of the Day loser, is part of the Motorcycle Relief Program. This program provides workshops and support to veterans in an effort to prevent suicide.