Seasteading is a Reality - TLF123

Published: March 5, 2019, 5:30 a.m.

Seasteading was the stuff of the future. Not anymore! What's in the News with stories on military draft for women, future states of emergency, FBI lies, rent control, dismissing pot convictions, and freedom of the press. Finally, an Ask Me Anything with questions on feminism, Just War doctrine, and voting. This episode is brought to you by NordVPN, the easiest, cheapest, and fastest way to get secure and private access to the internet I've ever seen, and I use it every single day. Also, brought to you by Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom, helping you to become a smarter and more informed libertarian than ever before, for just 24 cents a day.



The very first seastead is in international waters, folks. Welcome to a new age!

On February 2nd after almost a month of preparation and waiting for ideal wave conditions, Ocean Builders has raised the world’s first seastead in international waters 12 nautical miles out from Phuket, Thailand.



In draft is theft news, a federal judge in Texas has declared that an all-male military draft is unconstitutional, ruling that "the time has passed" for a debate on whether women belong in the military.

In state of emergency news, as I predicted when Trump declared a national emergency to fund his wall, Sen. Elizabeth Warren said that she would declare national emergencies for climate change, gun violence, and student loan debt if she was elected president.

In bad boys news, an FBI scientist has been shown to make statements in court linking defendants to crimes, even when his own lab results showed the exact opposite.

Oregon is poised to become the first state in the nation to impose statewide limits on how much landlords can raise rents after state lawmakers passed a sweeping measure.

In harm reduction news, more than 8,000 pot cases in San Francisco since 1975, including felony convictions, will be dismissed through an automated clearance system.

In unfit to exist news, a list of thousands of criminal cops was accidentally released under public records laws, and now the California Attorney General is threatening two reporters with legal action... for just having a copy of the list.



I have a few more questions in my Ask Me Anything queue, so I thought I would knock them out in this segment this week. After this episode airs, I will have new threads for you to ask more questions for me. Those threads will be in the Pax Libertas Productions Podcast Fans Facebook group, my The LAVA Flow Super Secret Facebook group only for supporters, and in Patreon. You can also ask me a question by sending an email to

This week I answer questions on feminism, Just War doctrine, and voting.