Bad Apples - TLF070

Published: Sept. 12, 2017, 4:30 a.m.

Nurses can be heroes too, especially when they stand up to bad cops. What's in the News with stories on the MDMA as medicine, North Korea threats, bullying homeschool families, exposed security clearances, seizure of guns, and Comey on Clinton. And Yet Another Bad Cop segment with four stories of cops who go above and beyond to lie, cheat, steal, assault, and attempt murder. This episode is brought to you by Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom, helping you to become a smarter and more informed libertarian than ever before, for just 24 cents a day.


Some heroes don't wear capes. Some of them wear scrubs and go to work every day like the rest of us. Alex Wubbels, the nurse assaulted by Salt Lake City Police Detective Jeff Payne, is one such hero. 

In case you've lived under a rock the last couple of weeks, you've heard this story. William Gray was driving a semi truck in Northern Utah when he was struck head-on by a man who veered into oncoming traffic on a highway. The driver who veered into Gray died in the crash. He was fleeing from the police in a high-speed chase after a call about an erratic driver. In order to cover their ass, the cops wanted to try to pin this on the completely innocent Gray who was just driving and minding his own business, so they went to the hospital to try to get a blood draw from Gray, hoping he has some substances in his system. This would, I'm sure they thought, take the heat off of them for starting a high-speed chase that lead to the death of one man and another unconscious. 


In drug war news, the Food and Drug Administration has approved MDMA, better known as ecstasy, as a "breakthrough therapy." The designation should speed MDMA's approval as a prescription medicine, which could happen as soon as 2021.

In the hermit kingdom news, after Kim Jong-un appeared to blink in the prick waving contest with Trump a couple of weeks ago, North Korea has proven that Trump doesn't intimidate them. North Korea test fired a missile over the island of Japan, landing the missile safely in the ocean.

Just a few days after the missiles fired over Japan, North Korea apparently tested a nuclear weapon that was picked up by seismic stations all over the world, and this was their biggest nuclear device test to date. The US Geological Survey recorded a 6.3-magnitude earthquake that was man made. 

In homeschool news, a homeschooling family in Kentucky decided to use the solar eclipse as a learning experience for their children and did this as part of their school time. This action was allegedly reported by an unknown source to the local school district, which in turn sent an official to question the family about their field trip.

In watching the watchers news, thousands of files containing the personal information and expertise of Americans with classified and up to Top Secret security clearances have been exposed by an unsecured Amazon server, potentially for most of the year.

In unfit to exist news, the U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma. 

In more Second Amendment news, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed what is being called the nation’s most pro-Second Amendment law. The Second Amendment Protection Act exempts all guns that were made in Kansas and have not left the state from all federal gun control laws.

In they investigated themselves news, former FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement exonerating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for running her government emails through a private email server before completing the investigation, according to two Republican senators. Comey prepared the draft exoneration for Clinton before conducting interviews with top Clinton aides who were offered immunity for their cooperation.


Some episodes there are only one or two bad cop stories to go over. This time there are way more than I could do in just the news so I wanted to bring back this segment to really dive into these, on top of the one that was rustling my jimmies this week.

First on the list is an article about police in Massachusetts. Three years ago they seized more than $107,000 from a married couple who they suspected of a crime. But now, three years later, no charges have ever been filed and the couple has still not been returned their money, which they claim was earned legally.

In 2013, Proano was caught on a police dashboard camera opening fire on a stolen car just seconds after arriving at the scene of a crime. He continued shooting as the car attempted to back away from him. Two teens in the car were injured.

Not wanting to be left out, Officer Shaun Jergens assaulted a man having a medical emergency.

And, finally, in another attempted murder by cop, a newspaper photographer was shot by a deputy after the deputy mistook the man's camera for a weapon, reports say.