Xi’s claim that the US introduced the virus: astounding disinformation; PRC as a criminal enterprise. @LizPeek

Published: March 18, 2020, 2:23 a.m.

Image:  Disinformation: Deception, Disinformation, and Strategic. Communications: How One Interagency Group. Made a Major Difference by Fletcher Schoen and Christopher J. Lamb. Elizabeth Peek, TheHill and Fox News, @LizPeek; in re: Some states have halted primary elections. Even though Joe Biden avoided major gaffes, fact-checking the next day on things he said may have worked against him.  Bernie went after him on some matters that Biden tried just to shrug off; not convincing.   The Chinese PLA now claims that the US introduced the virus into China and that China is in the lead to fight it. Astounding disinformation. China then ejects US journalists. Will it ever go back to business as usual? Profound Chinese corruption: it’s a criminal enterprise.