"Wuhan flu" in Iran: no medicine, death from alcohol thinking it might save them. @AhmadObali, @Obali_Duman , #GunazTv

Published: March 11, 2020, 2:25 a.m.

Image: Imam Khomeini hospital.  Overwhelmed; arriving patients are sent away; out of some basic supplies. Ahmad Obali, GunazTV; in re:  Iran’s  border are entirely closed by its neighbors.  The regime there either doesn’t have good facts or declines to share them. The UN human rights rapporteur has asked Iran to free all political prisoner temporarily to spare them from coronavirus.  Regime said it released 70,000 political prisoners . . . really?  Overcrowded and disease-ridden prisons. It's civil-rights activists who’ve been imprisoned. Regime sent 75,000 home: only if they were serving five-year or shorter terms, but most are not.  From the province of Isfahan, a tiny town where the local official said 88 people had died there, alone, as of the other day; that more than 700 had been contaminated. In the NW by the Turkish border, 72 died.  IRNA reported that 44 people had died of alcohol poisoning thinking that alcohol would protect them from the virus.  This is because people have no other medical treatment to call on. Those who go to hospitals, which by now are full with no room, ask for gloves, face masks, hand sanitizer, alcohol.  It's a tragedy beyond comprehension. Thousands are dying and the government tries to make it look like normal life. Can they cross any border? No. Borders are closed. Luckily, we were among the first to tell people to stay home, don't go out. Then the Iranian government TV blames us for creating panic—so some go out and thereby spread the disease. @AhmadObali , @Obali_Duman , #GunazTv