What's gone awry with the one-man Mexico City show of AMLO. Mary O’Grady: @MaryAnastasiaOG

Published: March 7, 2020, 4:21 a.m.

Image:  Program of centennial festivities of Mexican independence in September 1910, asserting the historical continuity of Miguel Hidalgo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Hidalgo) , Benito Juárez (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Ju%C3%A1rez) "Law", and Porfirio Díaz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porfirio_D%C3%ADaz) , "Peace", from 1810 to 1910. Mary Anastasia O’Grady,  Americas column,  on AMLO, in Mexico. About the airport to be built by the state, which AMLO didn't want: he organized a referendum and put polling stations at only a few places where he was popular.  Needless t say, those several polling stations voted against the airport, which, AMLO claimed, vindicated his opinion.       The independent institutions that are supposed to bring together the people are all falling under the control of one man.  The financial treasury unit is supposed to investigate suspicious activity, esp money-laundering, and it has obligations under intl law.  Under Mexican law, people from the Treasury are to supposed to go out into the public square and “lynch” a suspect; are supposed to go to the attorney-general for him to review.  Instead, AMLO claims he’s allowed to publicize material prematurely under “free speech,” which is absurd. Also, he’s freezing people’s bank accounts and those of their extended family; the day that a judge under fire agreed to resign from court, his accounts were unfrozen — but to date no charge has been brought against him. AMLO’s favorability has gone from 80% to the mid-60s. https://www.wsj.com/articles/mexico-slides-toward-one-man-rule-11582484145?emailToken=15644a8f3b3e01d24bf7c827c5b066d7DUL7+zes1LIQPBISwR5DAJju+vlw4ecZMj6+ZX3yxowxE80yNV8rwHgBhRXKYDUVmt1ukzzcEMtr2QWIZDPhFA%3D%3D&reflink=article_email_share