Strategic national stockpile and underground bunkers. Ty Rogoway @Aviation_Intel

Published: April 4, 2020, 8:04 p.m.

Image:  Raven Rock Mountain Complex ( logo. Public domain. Tyler Rogoway, @Aviation_Intel, The Drive at The War Zone, in re:  N95 mask:  part of basic kit for blocking viruses.  Ideally, should be pennies per mask in bulk. How is it that this part of the strategic national stockpile is so short?  Need 3.5 billion for a pandemic. This is the biggest such oversight in US history. We had every warning—SARS, MERS, swine flu, H1N1.  After the last, the Obama Adm never replenished; later, neither did the Trump Adm. Site R (Raven Rock Mountain Complex [RRMC]) inside a mountain north of DC, and Mount Weather. These are NORAD-type complexes, cities built inside a mountain and equipped to withstand a nuclear blast. Continuity of command structure. The Israeli bunker: a doorway that opens for vehicles; it goes down many levels.  Built to house hundreds of people at a time.  It's right inside Jerusalem, rather in the open.