PRC blames the US for the Covid-19 virus. @CRosett, @GordonGChang. @CRosett, @GordonGChang

Published: March 5, 2020, 3:42 a.m.

Image: Blame, same, blame.  Here: The Gang of Four at their trial in 1981 Claudia Rosett, Independent Women’s Forum, in re: Taiwan is getting cyberblitzed – and Beijing says it’s from the CIA!  How to do disinformation: don't go small, go very big!  Global Times: The conspiracy theory that blames the US for coronavirus. “Japanese TV reports speculation in China that Covid-19 may have originated in the US.” Imputes it to a military game last October [although the Wuhan virus had emerged at least four months earlier]. Masterful, and dangerous. By this article, Japan, the US, and the US military are all smeared.  This is just one instance where the regime has pointed to the US.   “The bigger the lie, the better.”—1930s Germany. Xi Jinping has declared “a people’s war on the virus.” What they do best is deflect anger to a military or economic “enemy.” A most respected Chinese epidemiologist was intimidated into saying that, “We don't really know if this virus originated in China.” What to do? Focus on the lie, call them out. So far, we’ve been focussing on the suffering of the people and been sending resources to help – although China spends so much on its military it easily could apply those funds to healthcare.  The WHO is in China’s pocket, and it renamed the virus “Covid-19” instead of what it is:  Wuhan virus. China won’t allow foreign virologists in; one person from the CDC was permitted to enter in a WHO group that was rushed around the country and did zero actual research.