993: The Social Media Gargantuans; & What is to be done? @VDHanson @HooverIn @HooverInst

Published: Jan. 15, 2021, 3:17 a.m.

Image:  SixDegrees (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SixDegrees.com) , launched in 1997, is often regarded as the first social media site.   Victor Davis Hanson: @VDHanson; Hoover Institution, and The Case for Trump,in re:  Social media platforms have outgrown their writs. This excising, throwing major political figures out the window . . . Will bring a call to break up the monopolies, as in the nineteenth century. Google has 90% of all searches on the planet.  They've closed people out for no visible reason other than political. Gave huge donations to their leftist friends.  Over a century ago, railroads said, “Ride a horse if you don't like our railroad.” Hah.  They’re using public utilities/spaces.  Apple, Twitter, Google together have $4 trillion.         Are we dealing with young people who have [inadequate education]?  . . . in the sense of giving a ten-year-old a revolver.   Yes, they’re young, ignorant and arrogant, but . . .  Look at the government radio stations, e.g., PBS:  their lawyer said that people who don’t agree with him should be put in re-education camps.  Expect a backlash. Do Democrats know that what goes around comes around?  No, they feel that they’re morally superior; have universities, Hollywood, the media, social media—they’ll go pedal to the metal till they hit a brick wall.   https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/01/assault-on-the-capitol-has-let-loose-the-electronic-octopus/