993: After impeachment, what now for the Democrats? @ConradMBlack

Published: Jan. 15, 2021, 3:18 a.m.

Image:  Sulzer impeachment committee   Conrad Black, @ConradMBlack (https://twitter.com/ConradMBlack) , National Review Online; publisher, littérateur, biographer, commentator; the National Post; in re:  Pending a trial n the Senate, with the about-to-be Senate leader Charles Schumer. He intends juggling a health agenda with a new trial. Sole charge is “incitement to insurrection.” For Pelosi, a desire to strike while the iron is hot (public outrage at the events of 6 Jan). But she can't have addressed this in a serious legal manner. It was forced entry, assault, and ultimately perhaps unintentional homicide, but it cannot be laid at the door of the president.  We have the almost unimaginably stupid [situation] of removing from office someone who’s left the office on grounds of an offense that does not exist and he did not commit. Fatuous.       In the Civil War, 750,000 Americans died—that was an insurrection.  Today, we have violent, evil mischief.  Thugs.  It wasn’t an insurrection and it was the last thing in the world that the president wanted. Pandemic of Trump-hate.  The fellow who waved the Stars and Bars in the Capitol was arrested today.  https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/01/ave-atque-vale-trump/