988: The drug-darkened streets of a helpless San Francisco; & What is to be done?. @lee_ohanian,

Published: Jan. 14, 2021, 3:21 a.m.

Image: The drug-darkened streets of a helpless San Francisco & What is to be done?.  @lee_ohanian,   Lee E. Ohanian,  @lee_ohanian, @HooverInst, UCLA economics; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; in re: The drug addled streets of SF & What is to be done?  https://www.hoover.org/research/san-franciscos-progressive-drug-policies-kill-hundreds-annually (https://www.hoover.org/research/san-franciscos-progressive-drug-policies-kill-hundreds-annually) San Francisco's "Progressive" Drug Policies Kill Hundreds Annually (https://hoover.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de744b88c98cf7f8a268b1808&id=013755d646&e=e61f4bbeb0) , by Lee Ohanian (https://hoover.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de744b88c98cf7f8a268b1808&id=84a0394736&e=e61f4bbeb0) via California on Your MindLast year, 621 people died of drug overdoses in San Francisco. To put this in perspective, 173 people died from COVID-19, which is identified as the primary public health crisis in the Bay Area. San Francisco enables dug users with free needles, ignores massive dealing,  The city has become a pusher, pushing people over the edge. People shooting up all over town.   Heroin and fentanyl.  Over 600 overdose deaths in 2020, with 170 from covid.    This will end only when San Francisco starts prosecuting drug sales.  Chesa Boudin, child of 1960s Weathermen, is district attorney. Opioids depress the respiratory system. Governor Newsom began his career in SF. He hasn't said one word about this pandemic, about the human misery.