964: The failure of American higher education to educate tomorrow. @VDHanson

Published: Jan. 8, 2021, 11:15 p.m.

Image:  Plato's academy, mosaic from Pompeii   Victor Davis Hanson: @VDHanson; Hoover Institution, and The Case for Trump,in re:  Students at Hillsdale are aware that [something is wrong]; Stanford students are not. Students are getting married much later, can't buy a house: the cost of university at $30,000 a year is preventing that.  A curriculum that creates ignorant but arrogant students.  University says, “We’re not responsible for helping you get a job.”  It all leads back to university, which has become corrupt, needs an audit and transparency.  A Medieval society: a bunch of very rich administrators and full professors, all subsidized by part-time teachers making  fraction of that with no benefits—with a progressive, egalitarian patina.  The Animal Farm pigs don’t want to be attacked by animals— “I’m beyond reproach, am tenured.”    They usually pick on some part-time teacher who has no tenure. Peasants outside the castle with the faculty living up in the keep.  Alumni donate huge endowments that inexplicably are not taxable.    https://amgreatness.com/2021/01/03/defenders-of-civilization/