962: What is the breakout for Iran nukes? David Albright, @thegoodisis, Malcolm Hoenlein, @conf_of_pres, Conference of Presidents

Published: Jan. 8, 2021, 5:18 a.m.

Image:  Bevatron building interior construction. Photograph taken April 22, 1950   David Albright, @thegoodisis, Malcolm Hoenlein, @conf_of_pres, Conference of Presidents, in re:Iran enrichment, South Korean vessel, Biden Administration.  The decision to go up to 20% is serious, being 90% of weapons-grade.    Could do a breakout in 45 days, have enough uranium for a bomb. The interesting twist is: they’re now using a thousand centrifuges.  Right now, we're still at the three-month point.  This shouldn't motivate a rush to return to a nuclear deal.  Still have many months to go. They’ll probably go for a nuclear test before actually using a bomb, likely in six to nine months.  Rushing back to this deal is probably the worst thing you could do.  Assassination of Fakhrizadeh:  how does his departure affect the nuclear program?  He was almost invisible till he was killed.  He brought critical managerial skills; Iran has a shortage of people who can pull it all together. Meeting of five people: three have been killed, one almost was, and the fifth may have had an assassination attempt against him.   David Albright, a physicist, is founder and president of the nonprofit Institute for Science and International Security in Washington, D.C. He directs the project work of the Institute, heads its fundraising efforts, and chairs its board of directors. In addition, he regularly publishes and conducts scientific research. He has written numerous assessments on secret nuclear weapons programs throughout the world. https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-begins-enriching-uranium-to-20-purity-11609760613 https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/at-max-speed-new-iran-enrichment-could-cut-nuke-breakout-to-6-weeks-654237 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1346137343481286657.html https://apnews.com/article/iran-underground-nuclear-facility-d9809b8a61f71f87dff31da6ff784687