903: 2/4 Grand Central: How a Train Station Transformed America, by Sam Roberts. Pete Hamill wrote the foreword.

Published: Dec. 26, 2020, 2:44 a.m.

Image:  Excavations for N.Y. Central Station, New York City   Grand Central: How a Train Station Transformed America, by Sam Roberts (https://www.amazon.com/Sam-Roberts/e/B009EAJH9C/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1) .  Pete Hamill (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_2?ie=UTF8&field-author=Pete+Hamill&text=Pete+Hamill&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=books) wrote the foreword.   In the winter of 1913, Grand Central Station was officially opened and immediately became one of the most beautiful and recognizable Manhattan landmarks. In this celebration of the one-hundred-year-old terminal, Sam Roberts of The New York Times looks back at Grand Central's conception, amazing history, and the far-reaching cultural effects of the station that continues to amaze tourists and shuttle busy commuters.         Along the way, Roberts will explore how the Manhattan transit hub truly foreshadowed the evolution of suburban expansion in the country, and fostered the nation's westward expansion and growth via the railroad.        Featuring quirky anecdotes and behind-the-scenes information, this book will allow readers to peek into the secret and unseen areas of Grand Central—from the tunnels, to the command center, to the hidden passageways.        With stories about everything from the famous movies that have used Grand Central as a location to the celestial ceiling in the main lobby (including its stunning mistake) to the homeless denizens who reside in the building's catacombs, this is a fascinating and exciting look at a true American institution. https://www.amazon.com/Grand-Central-Station-Transformed-America/dp/1455525979/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Grand+Central+Sam+Roberts&qid=1608931570&s=books&sr=1-1