886: Hong Kongers desperate to flee to US; why does Sen Cruz refuse? @Michael_Yon, @GordonGChang

Published: Dec. 22, 2020, 3:46 a.m.

Image:  Queen Street, Hong Kong   Michael Yon: @Michael_Yon, war correspondent;andGordon Chang, @GordonGChang,Daily Beast, in re:   China’s imperial overreach:  is the money running out? Looks that way; its to policy banks that fund such things have much reduced what they're laying out, esp for the Belt and Road; countries are defaulting.   Xi Jinping is being blamed, doesn't speak of Belt and Road anymore. China is trying to get the IMF to give money to the poor countries that need funds to repay China.  Senator Cruz of Texas has put on hold a bill that would let Hong Kongers fleeing the CCP to arrive in the US. The theory is that that would let the CCP send spies, but no one believes this. The US is their best, last chance.  Think of East Europeans behind the Iron Curtain.  We’re shutting one window and leaving ten open.  We need in haste to bring in as many Hong Kongers as we can. Jimmy Lai is in chains and may never be free again.  Why did the CCP move now instead of earlier?  HK was one of the finest places in the world to live. Tens of thousands of Americans were living there; don’t really want to leave. Further, no one wants to break up families—and the CCP would persecute remaining families.  The US cracked the USS: we need to do the same thing with the CCP. Why would Cruz take this position—Texas immigration interests?  https://nationalinterest.org/feature/china-has-imperial-overstretch-problem-174849