826: On the Road to Baku: They left mined fields, burned houses, trees cut down, animals killed; destruction, craters, torn teddy bears. @ElinSuleymanov, @azembassyus, @ProfBShaffer, @FDD

Published: Dec. 9, 2020, 4:45 a.m.

On the Road to Baku: They left mined fields, burned houses, trees cut down, animals killed; destruction, craters, torn teddy bears. @ElinSuleymanov, @azembassyus, @ProfBShaffer,  @FDD   Image:   On the Road to Baku:  Elin Suleymanov,  @ElinSuleymanov, @azembassyus, ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Washington; and Brenda Shaffer: @ProfBShaffer  @FDD; Georgetown; in re:  The holes from missiles were shocking, along with the children’s toys and teddy bears.  The people of Ganja, Tartar and Barda are recovering.  We lost 2,800 military and 96 civilians.  We can finally build a lasting peace with Armenia.  The people of Azerbaijan:  One in ten is a refugee from the war.  Most who had to leave 27 years ago dream of returning to the family village. However, the adversary left severe damage: mines everywhere and trees cut down.  Unfortunately, they burned houses, mined fields, killed animals. Incomprehensible.   That’s out of the decades of indoctrination of hatred.  For a long time, the US sponsored de-mining projects—which actually helped to [know how to?] place mines. The solution is for Armenian and Azerbaijani people to learn to live together, build railways highways, communications.   This is what Israel looked like in 2003 [Gaza]; people who live in this region know the real price of the war, as distinct from the people living outside.